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Dearborn Obstetrical Gynecological Associates, P.C.

Mon-Thurs: 7:30am - 4pm

Fri: 8am – Noon

Weight Focused Visits

Dr. Jodi Robinson is pleased to offer weight focused visits.

These visits are designed to allow for extra time to focus on the individual needs of patients and concerns regarding weight management. You will be provided a 30 minute initial visit to discuss weight and necessary lab testing to allow for formulation of a plan to move toward your ideal or goal body weight.

Dr. Robinson is a member of the Obesity Medicine Association and follows the guidelines set forth by this institution.

There are many tools to help you move toward your desired weight. These include lifestyle modifications, including increasing your activity and diet modification. Often medications are appropriate depending on your BMI. Recommendations will be discussed according to a patient’s goals and associated medical conditions to choose the right path for therapy. Not all patients who have weight concerns are candidates for weight loss medications.

Weight gain is not simple – many factors contribute to weight gain and maintenance of weight loss. It is not a simple fact of calories in vs calories burned. Genetics, environmental factors and a multitude of other factors contribute to this. Allowing extra time to discuss potential factors that may make it difficult for you to move toward your desired weight is important. Studies show that consistent follow up visits and self monitoring improve weight management.

If you are interested in making a weight focused visit please call the office at 313-730-8880 to set up your visit. And schedule follow up as determined by your individual needs. The typical plan is to allow for follow up visits every 1-3 months as determined by the patient and physician. Your insurance will cover this visit as it covers any visit – ie if you have a copay or deductible set forth by your insurance plan, these would apply. If you have recent lab work, please bring that with you for review. A 3 day food diet is helpful. And a graph of your weight and weight change is also helpful to look at potential inciting factors for weight changes.

Hope to see you soon moving towards a healthier you!!